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Phase 1 of
New Facility
Nearing Completion

Colorful Notebooks

LWC started our "HAGGAI 1:8" JOURNEY in 1996.  This key passage of Scripture became the theme verse for a BUILDING PROGRAM that seemed humanly impossible.  The LORD directed us to pursue a totally unconventional course to acquire new property and ultimately to build a new facility --- DEBT FREE


As a result of following the LORD on this adventurous journey we discovered the exciting LIFE of FAITH which has made an everlasting impact upon our lives.  Perhaps we would have never encountered this blessed revelation of BIBLE FAITH if He had not guided us along such a nontraditional pathway. Although faced with our share of challenges, we have joyfully celebrated innumerable TRIUMPHS and VICTORIES --- and there's still more to come! Indeed, we are extremely grateful for the sovereign and faithful guidance of our FATHER! 

We have utilized 4 different interim facilities since selling the small lot and building which had been LWC's home for several years.  At last, in June 2021,  our DEBT FREE LAND was prepared for the construction of our DEBT FREE BUILDING!  

On Sunday, February 18, 2024, the LWC congregation worshiped in our New Facilities for the first time! As we continue adding some final touches to a few remaining projects related to PHASE ONE Weekly Services are now being held in the NEW FACILITIES and you're invited to join us! We hope to see you soon!


We are VERY GRATEFUL for the campus and facility GOD has so wondrously blessed us with!  And we are grateful as well for what He has done in our individual lives and in the corporate life of our Church throughout this amazing journey! Through it all He has provided us the priceless benefit of learning to depend on Him as our  ALL-SUFFICIENT SOURCE of INEXHAUSTIBLE SUPPLY! 


Someone has rightly said, "it's not just about the destination ... it's also about the journey!" 


The songwriter of a classic hymn expressed it perfectly: 


How we trust Him! 

How we've proved Him

o'er and o'er! 


Precious JESUS! 

Oh, for grace

to trust Him more!

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06 - 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
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