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Our History

We are a community of Christian believers from various backgrounds and from all walks of life who share the common bond of being SAVED (Born Again) by the Mighty Power of JESUS CHRIST and filled with His HOLY SPIRIT


Our passionate love for Him is the inevitable result of His amazing love for us,  which we endeavor to  celebrate and cultivate daily. 


The expected consequence of GOD's love at work in our lives through the  vital ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT is to communicate that same sincere, unconditional love to others. 


Walking and living in the LOVE of GOD --loving Him supremely as we share and show His love toward those around us-- is a priority of paramount importance at LWC!

By this shall all men

know that ye are My disciples,

if ye have love one to another.

John 13:35

As we understand GOD's plan and purpose for this local Church, our MISSION becomes increasingly clear and urgent.  Although it encompasses exceedingly more than could ever be expressed in a single sentence, it may be condensed into a brief statement for the sake of clarity and conciseness:

To be a PENTECOSTAL CHURCH in the Heart of West Texas with a Heart for the World ... honoring the WORD of GOD as we preach the CROSS of CHRIST in the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT!

From this understood assignment there follows a corresponding VISION:

Faithfully fulfill our GOD-given MISSION - at home and around the world - through every possible means as we expectantly look for CHRIST's imminent, soon return!

In the summer of 1946,  Scott and Lola Mitchell with their young son, Gene, came to Lubbock and founded a new congregation  of  Pentecostal  Believers affiliating that same year with the ASSEMBLIES of GOD. LWC has maintained that affiliation since the earliest days of our formation when the fledgling, autonomous Church chose to join the fellowship of the AG's West Texas District Council


Although the humble building, located in the Arnett-Benson section of north Lubbock, was very modest, the meager crowds rather small, and the first several months fairly challenging, the LORD signally blessed the faithful labors of these pioneer Pastors. 


By the early 1950's Northside Assembly of God, as it originally identified itself, had become a thriving congregation. It continued effecting a strong impact for the LORD in West Texas, and beyond, for the duration of the Mitchell's 28 years of admirable, fruitful Pastoral leadership. 


Since the mid 1970's the Church has been capably served by other gifted, dedicated Pastors who have significantly contributed to the enduring strength and influence of this congregation. 


In November, 1991, Barry and Renee Tilley began serving LWC as Pastors where their ministry continues today, over thirty years later. 


Living WORD Church celebrated our 75th ANNIVERSARY in 2021. 


We are truly grateful to GOD for our wonderful Pentecostal Heritage,  for His faithful supply of godly Pastoral Leadership and the many dear congregants who have made LWC their Church Home over the years.  We are grateful as well for GOD's many wonderful blessings still being experienced today and for those promised to us in the days to come!


After over seven-and-a-half decades of Pentecostal ministry, we are confidently optimistic that LWC's future has never been brighter! 

"Write The Vision!
And Make It Plain!"
Habakkuk 2:2

"78 Years Strong!
The Best Is Yet To Come!"

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Without a vision people perish
Proverbs 29:18

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Scott & Lola Mitchell 
Founding Pastors

Mission and Vision
Bro. Weed
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