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Christian Booklet


At LWC there are some distinctions which make us uniquely who we are as a local congregation. These defining beliefs, convictions, positions, practices, and priorities are so firmly held and deeply cherished they are considered NON-NEGOTIABLES  ... things such as our DOCTRINAL BELIEFSMANNER of WORSHIPREASONS for BEINGVISION and MISSION, and CORE VALUES.  

We are dedicated to being led by the HOLY SPIRIT as well as understanding the times and culture in which we live.  Our desire is to be a Church through whom GOD can fulfill His will by impacting lives for CHRIST in a positive, relevant way ... resulting in life-changing encounters with His UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, SAVING GRACE and PENTECOSTAL POWER.  

LWC's commitment to these NON-NEGOTIALBES is certainly not meant to seem sectarian or divisive but rather as embracing the  unique characteristics which help define our GOD-designed individuality among the diverse Body of CHRIST. 
"Now you are the members of CHRIST's BODY and particular members individually."  1 Corinthians 12:27  

We appreciate you taking the time to read and explore these various facets of individuality that, together, make Living WORD Church uniquely


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